Category Archives: Introductions

Summary of the Introduction Posts

When reading the introductions posted to the weblog, I was astounded at the variety of images, thoughts and impressions relating to text. Each post highlighted a unique insight into the nature and capabilities of text, which were selected for different … Continue reading

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Introduction – Janet AuCoin LeBlanc

Photo by: Enokson on Flickr While searching for a particular picture I saw recently on Facebook, I came across this image. To me this picture represents the evolution of communication. This is a merging of ‘traditional’ language and the digital … Continue reading

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Mariana Reinoso

This is Saint Jerome in His Study (1514), an engraving by Albrecht Dürer. Jerome was born in Dalmatia in the 4th century and is best known as the translator of the Bible from Hebrew into Latin. I chose this picture … Continue reading

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Versions of Reality

I chose this image for it’s diversity in communicating ideas as opposed to presenting an absolute, fixed reality. Text presents us with a version of truth or a shadow of a person’s ideas which they express in an attempt to … Continue reading

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Text and Literacy

This picture grabbed my attention as it depicts a social situation that puzzles me on a regular basis. It has become such a common experience to see people of all ages out and about in social situations with their attention … Continue reading

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Emma Sarbit

“Where words fail, music speaks.” Hans Christian Andersen The above quote summarizes my reasoning for choosing this photo. For many people, music is a relatable form of text, poetry set to a tune. Many of my students are able to … Continue reading

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Hello and Intro – Eileen

pic: from flickr This is going to sound totally cliche but I chose this image because when I saw this picture it promoted me to think of the original reasons I entered the ‘texting/technology’ mobility world; so that I could … Continue reading

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Introduction- Text and Technology

Taken by: Debs I chose this picture because like most people, I text a lot on my phone. I text more than I actually talk on my phone (I know some people rarely talk on their phone and only text, … Continue reading

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Introduction: Steve Holmberg

Hi Everyone, Why I like This Picture: I like this picture because it asks us to consider the very important question of “why” when we decide to use vehicles of text and technology (yes, the automobile was considered new and … Continue reading

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Introduction: Dan Tinaburri

“…if only writing would be used for the production of certain kinds of texts and not others…” (Postman, 1992, p. 6) When I discovered the image above, I was reminded of Neil Postman’s comment that Thamus was not concerned with … Continue reading

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