Category Archives: Gender

Mongolia Jumps to Higher Category in Freedom House Political Rights

Mongolia’s political rights evaluated in top category by Freedom House. Continue reading

Posted in Civil Society, Corruption, Democracy, Education, Elections, Gender, Global Indices, Governance, Inequality, JD Democratization, Media and Press, Party Politics, Social Movements | Tagged | Leave a comment

Book: Change in Democratic Mongolia – Social Relations, Health, Mobile Pastoralism, and Mining

A new edited volume of social science research on contemporary Mongolia. Continue reading

Posted in Book: Change in Democratic Mongolia, Canada, Civil Society, Corruption, Democracy, Development, Environment, Environment, Gender, Grassland, Health, Law, Mining, Mining, Nomadism, Oyu Tolgoi, Policy, Politics, Population, Regulation, Religion, Research on Mongolia, Social Issues, Social Movements, Society and Culture | Tagged | 3 Comments

The Impact of a Quota: Female MPs in the Ikh Khural

13 women have been elected to the Mongolian parliament with its 76 seats. This is a huge increase from three previous MPs that is due a minimum quota of 20% female candidates in the election law. Continue reading

Posted in Civil Will Green Party, Democratic Party, Elections, Gender, Ikh Khural 2012, JD Democratization, Mongolian People's Party, Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, Politics | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Parties Decide on Candidates

Changes in electoral law for Mongolia lead to shuffling among candidates for “safe” party nominations. Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Gender, Ikh Khural 2012, JD Democratization, Party Politics | Tagged | 2 Comments

Impact of Revised Electoral Law on Parliamentary Election Outcome

Will the revisions of the electoral law in Mongolia benefit particular parties? Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Gender, Ikh Khural 2012, JD Democratization, Party Politics, Politics, Research on Mongolia | Tagged | 3 Comments

New Electoral Law Passed by Ikh Khural

Electoral law in Mongolia revised to vault the country to world leadership in the sweepstakes for the most complicated electoral system. Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Gender, Ikh Khural 2012, JD Democratization, Law, Politics, Research on Mongolia | Tagged | 5 Comments

Election Law for Whom?

Byamba discusses changes to Mongolia’s electoral law ahead of the summer 2012 parliamentary election. Continue reading

Posted in Democracy, Elections, Gender, Party Politics, Politics | Tagged | 1 Comment