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Category Archives: Uncategorized
Final Connections…Multiliteracies
Learning about mulitliteracies has been an interesting journey. From orality to the age of print, the way people have interacted with information has constantly changed over time. While people like Ong, believe that the art of the written word is … Continue reading
Final Connection
What a journey! I decided to make my connections with the use of visuals (cartoons created on Bitstrips) and text. When looking through the names of people posting to the ETEC 540 Weblog, I saw several familiar names of people … Continue reading
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Connecting: The Reasons to Return to School
About a month ago I decided to take on a side project at my school (like I wasn’t busy enough already!!!). I decided to use media to attempt to connect with new students at my school as well as members … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged digital media, Making Connections, return to school, Wesch, YouTube
This course was relevant to the advancements currently occurring with technology and education and has provided me with so much knowledge, deepening my understanding of literacy and what it means to live in a digital world. The evolution of technology … Continue reading
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Making Connections
I am recording my connections in the format as 3 stars and a wish: 3 stars: 1. Group work/presentation tools: Working in groups and viewing the other presentations (and the Rip.Mix.Feed activity) I learned about a various tools that I … Continue reading
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The Rip.Mix.Feed. I chose was Storify. The reason I chose Storify was it proclaims to be a program with the ability to weave and keep social media links and stories together. I know from my use of Twitter that a … Continue reading
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Tagged rip.mix.feed, social media, Social networking, storify, web 2.0
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This was a great activity which gave my the chance to explore various tools to see which ones would be useful in my teaching practices. In the end, I created a cartoon using Kerpoof because it was different from what … Continue reading
Rip. Mix. Feed.
▪ What motivated you to explore the application you used? Before this experiment, I think I have never expressed my opinion with only fixed images. I chose Dumpr, because I wanted to examine how the process is different in doing … Continue reading
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Dumpr and Done…
For my Rip, Mix, Feed task, I initially thought that I would try Kerpoof because I am horrible at drawing, so perhaps a cartooning program would be valuable. When I clicked the link, it took me to the site, but … Continue reading
Spell with Flikr
‘Spell with Flikr’ is an interesting application which allows a little bit of whimsy into a world dominated by uniformity of size, shape and colour. How many times have I tried to make a handout more interesting by changing the … Continue reading