Category Archives: Elections

MPRP Campaign not Feeling like a Protest Movement

By Julian Dierkes Note: I wrote this post on June 21 and was in the countryside without WiFi. Since then, more “revelations” about the illegal donation Ganbaatar is alleged to have accepted, have come out. That information is not reflected in … Continue reading

Posted in Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Choosing Balance

By Julian Dierkes At first glance (including my initial thoughts some weeks ago), it would seem that last year’s MPP triumph in the parliamentary election should make M Enkhbold, the MPP’s candidate, the clear favourite in this year’s presidential election. … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Mongolian People's Party, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Diplomat Articles on Presidential Election

By Julian Dierkes and Mendee We’ve written two posts in The Diplomat that looked at different aspects of the presidential election: Julian Dierkes “The Race for Mongolia’s Presidency Begins“, June 6 Julian Dierkes and Mendee J “Election 2017: Making Mongolia … Continue reading

Posted in Presidential 2017 | Tagged | 1 Comment

Allegations Against All Candidates

By Julian Dierkes One of the recurring challenges in trying to keep up with political developments in Mongolia is the extent to which these developments seem to be driven by rumours and accusations. That is especially the case during an … Continue reading

Posted in Corruption, Presidential 2017, Social Media | Tagged | Leave a comment

Post-Election Timelines

By Julian Dierkes There seems to be a strong possibility that none of the three candidates will achieve a majority of votes in the first round. Elsewhere I’ve written more about specifics regarding blank ballots, etc. Second Round What’s the … Continue reading

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The Likelihood of Constitutional Reform

By Julian Dierkes The likelihood of constitutional reform in Mongolia is primarily determined by party politics at the moment. Discussions of the constitution have been active in recent years. I have written about the extent to which the campaign platforms … Continue reading

Posted in Constitution, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Blank Ballots as Protest

By Julian Dierkes There does seem to be a significant level of frustration among Mongolian voters about the choices presented to them in this election. With allegations about very serious misconduct (if tape recording of Enkhbold discussing price list for … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, JD Democratization, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | 1 Comment

Presidential Competencies and Election Platforms

By Julian Dierkes One of the prominent topics in political discussions of the past 2-3 years has been constitutional reform. This has been brought about by the indeterminate compromise between a parliamentary and presidential democracy that the framers of the … Continue reading

Posted in Constitution, Democratic Party, Elections, Mongolian People's Party, Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, Party Politics, Politics, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Travelling Campaigns

By Julian Dierkes This is the sixth national election campaign that I’m watching on the ground in Mongolia. I have a head full of visual memories, conversations with campaign workers, talks by candidates, and discussions with voters, that get shifted … Continue reading

Posted in Countryside, Elections, Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Short Analysis of A Short Platform

By Bulgan B In general, S Ganbaatar’s election platform is short (6 pages only) and written in simple language. It addresses “Mongolians” as the victims of unruly politicians and political parties and calls for action to set social justice and improve … Continue reading

Posted in Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | Leave a comment

My Biggest Question about the Election

By Julian Dierkes Of course, it is interesting to speculate about the likelihood of one candidate or another winning the election. On that front, a week into the campaign, an Enkhbold victory still seems more likely, though a second round … Continue reading

Posted in Corruption, Democracy, Party Politics, Politics, Populism, Presidential 2017, Protest, Social Change, Social Issues, Social Movements | Tagged | Leave a comment

Importance of Turnout

By Julian Dierkes One of the big questions on election night (June 26) will be whether voters will turn up to vote. In recent presidential elections, the turnout had been steadily declining (2005: 74.9%, 2009 73.5%, 2013 66.5%). That was … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Politics, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | 3 Comments

Kh Battulga’s Election Platform

Translated by Students in Humboldt University Mongolian Politics Seminar Below we’re offering a translation of Kh Battulga’s presidential campaign platform. We have already posted a translation of S Ganbaatar’s platform. But we’re still recruiting someone to translate MPP/M Enkhbold’s platform. By … Continue reading

Posted in Democratic Party, Presidential 2017 | Leave a comment

M Enkbold’s Election Platform

Summarized and Translated by Bayanjargalmaa B Below we’re offering a translation of M Enkhbold’s presidential campaign platform. We have already posted a translation of S Ganbaatar’s platform and of Kh Battulga’s platform. By providing an English translation, we want to make information … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Mongolian People's Party, Politics, Presidential 2017 | 1 Comment

S Ganbaatar’s Election Platform

Translation by Bulgan B Below we’re offering a translation of S Ganbaatar’s presidential campaign platform. We also hope to post translations of the other two platforms. By providing an English translation, we want to make information available to non-Mongolian readers … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, Presidential 2017 | Tagged | 3 Comments