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Tag Archives: literacy
Rhena’s Bio
Photo Credit: Tess Watson, Sound Waves Hi ETEC 540! After reading through some of the introductory material for this course the notion that oral language is typically not deemed as valuable as printed text stood out for me. As a … Continue reading
Making connections: A Poetic Conclusion or Just the Beginning?
As the course draws to a close and we look back to reflect the room begins to spin and my head begins to ache. Not because of the workload, readings or computer screens, but instead the depth of thought provoked … Continue reading
Digital Photography by Boon & Velasquez–ETEC 540 64B, November 24th, 2013
Hi, Here is our collaborative project on Digital Photography: Stacey & Jose
Posted in Final Project
Tagged camera, digital, lens, literacy, materiality, multi-modal, multilieracies, photograph, photography, pictures, print, social, technology, theory, visual, visual-literacy, web, websites
Final Project: The Impact of Communications Technology on Social Interactions
Hello, and welcome to our final project, This project will look at the way that changing communications technology has impacted our social interactions. We have chosen to represent our investigation through a variety of media. To understand our project fully, … Continue reading
Posted in Final Project
Tagged communication technology, internet, literacy, personal relationships, phone, Pinterest, Scribd, society, tv, YouTube
Kerpoof and Rip.Mix.Feed
I created a story using I was motivated to explore this application because of my final group project on graphic novel creation. I am always looking for new and engaging tools for story creation in my elementary classroom. … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Collaboration, communicating, digital technology, education, literacy, writing
Social Media and Literacy: Exploring how social media is changing our definition of literacy
Social Media and Literacy: Exploring how social media is changing our definition of literacy For this assignment, our group has explored social media and how it is changing our definition of literacy. We have chosen to present our information through … Continue reading
Posted in Final Project
Tagged communication, literacy, social media, technology, writing
Merry Christmas from Dumpr and Photoshop!
What motivated you to explore the appliction(s) you used? I just decided to quickly play around with Dumpr because I had never heard of it before and a few people had used it already. What have you attempted to achieve … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged communicating, digital technology, dumpr, Image, literacy, Photoshop, teachers
Flickr and Dumpr and Smilebox
Photo attribution: photon_de (from Flickr) What motivated you to explore the appliction(s) you used? I tried to create a few different things online, but had some serious issues opening Kerploof and some of the other sites. I’ve tried off of … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged education, literacy, media, social media, technology, top ten
I really enjoyed this assignment/posting. I love being able to explore different tools and to create artifacts or resources and feel lucky to say that I have been able to explore different web tools in my time in MET. For … Continue reading
Radio to Television By Andrew C Lemon and Grant Sorensen To give context and foundation to this paper we will start with an overview of the history of radio and television. We will briefly discuss whether television has replaced radio … Continue reading
Posted in Research Paper
Tagged assignment 3, literacy, orality, radio, secondary, television
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