Category Archives: Society and Culture

Mining Governance: In the Eyes of 2016 Graduates

Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of 2016 graduates from universities and postgraduate schools either abroad or domestic alike.  All graduates have invested their energy, time, and money to attempt to learn everything that would equip them to become good … Continue reading

Posted in Mining, Mining, Mining Governance, Public Service, Uncategorized, Youth | Tagged | Leave a comment

Methodology as a Methodology

As exhausting as all-day meetings with stakeholders can be (with a bit of jetlag, multiple languages and instant coffee thrown into the mix), I am always fascinated by how individuals present themselves, what they are looking for, and how questions … Continue reading

Posted in CIRDI, Countryside, Curios, Social Issues, Society and Culture | Tagged | Leave a comment

Guest Post: Mongols on the International Film Stage

Marissa Smith Mongols on the International Film Stage: Negotiating the International Relations of Mongolia By Means of Their Understanding by Others During a press conference in Berlin March 3rd with Chancellor Merkel, President Elbegdorj quipped, “Die Mongolen sind wieder da, … Continue reading

Posted in Cinema, Marissa Smith, Mongolia and ..., Pop Culture | 1 Comment

Failed States Index

The Fund for Peace released its 2013 Failed States Index (FSI) earlier in July 2013 and I’ve included the ranking in our Mongolia Scorecard. Methodology The Failed States Index aims to identify ” pressures [that] are pushing a state towards the brink of … Continue reading

Posted in Democracy, Development, Global Indices, Governance, Inequality, JD Democratization, Politics, Population, Security Apparatus, Social Issues, Social Movements | Tagged | Leave a comment

Back in Ulaanbaatar Town

Für Mongolei Nostalgiker… 懐かしいねえ After too long an absence, I’m back in Ulaanbaatar. Returning 1-3 times per year over the last eight years has given me time lapse glimpses of rapid developments in Ulaanbaatar. At ULN, I was delighted to … Continue reading

Posted in Curios, Society and Culture, Tourism, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | 1 Comment

New Book: Does Everyone Want Democracy? Insights from Mongolia

Does Everyone Want Democracy? Insights from Mongolia by Paula L.W. Sabloff. Left Coast Press 2013. 266 pp., 282 pp. / 6.00 x 9.00 / Apr, 2013, eBook (978-1-61132-719-9), Hardback (978-1-59874-565-8) Do all people desire democracy? For over a century, the … Continue reading

Posted in Democracy, Elections, Governance, Politics, Publications, Research on Mongolia, Society and Culture | Tagged | Leave a comment

Mongolian Cashmere on Kickstarter

I recently came across an announcement of the first Mongolia-linked Kickstarter project (at least as far as I’m aware). Kickstarter, of course, is the website that offers entrepreneurs and others an opportunity to crowd-source funding for projects and business ideas. … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Cashmere, Fashion, Nomadism | Tagged | Leave a comment

Christianity in Mongolia since 1990

Like mining, we witness a religious boom in Mongolia. Like many post-socialist countries where religion experienced state repression, Mongolia has seen the revival and diversity of religion since 1990. The expansion of Buddhism and Shamanism, Mongolian “traditional” religions, has been … Continue reading

Posted in Byambajav Dalaibuyan, Religion, Research on Mongolia, Social Issues, Social Movements, Society and Culture, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | 2 Comments

Mongolian Bling

On April 27, the Projecting Change Film Festival screened Mongolian Bling, an award-winning documentary about Mongolian hip hop. Benj Binks, the Australian director of the film, happens to be in town for a couple more days, so I’ve invited him … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Pop Culture, Social Issues, Society and Culture, Ulaanbaatar, Youth | Tagged | Leave a comment

Guest Post: Musical Mobility and Continued Dialogues Between City and Countryside in Urtyn duu

Sunmin Yoon’s guest post on Mongolian long-song. Continue reading

Posted in Music, Pop Culture, Research on Mongolia, Society and Culture, Sunmin Yoon | Tagged | Leave a comment

Mongolian Pop Culture: Live from UB

Lauren Knapp recently sent us this description of her project on contemporary Mongolian music: Documentary filmmaker, Lauren Knapp spent most of 2012 living in Ulaanbaatar attending just about every rock concert she could. She was researching and filming her forthcoming … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Pop Culture, Social Media, Society and Culture | Tagged | Leave a comment

Book Chapter: Finding the Buddha Hidden Below the Sand

Matthew King describes his on-going research on the revival of Buddhism in Mongolia to expand upon his chapter in “Change in Democratic Mongolia”. Continue reading

Posted in Book: Change in Democratic Mongolia, Civil Society, Environmental Movements, Nationalism, Religion, Research on Mongolia, Social Movements, Society and Culture | Tagged | 1 Comment

Book: Change in Democratic Mongolia – Social Relations, Health, Mobile Pastoralism, and Mining

A new edited volume of social science research on contemporary Mongolia. Continue reading

Posted in Book: Change in Democratic Mongolia, Canada, Civil Society, Corruption, Democracy, Development, Environment, Environment, Gender, Grassland, Health, Law, Mining, Mining, Nomadism, Oyu Tolgoi, Policy, Politics, Population, Regulation, Religion, Research on Mongolia, Social Issues, Social Movements, Society and Culture | Tagged | 3 Comments

New book: Mapping Mongolia – Situating Mongolia in the World from Geologic Time to the Present

Paula Sabloff has edited a book examining Mongolia’s place in the world. Continue reading

Posted in Mongolia and ..., Publications, Research on Mongolia, Society and Culture | Tagged | Leave a comment

Election Songs of Parties

Campaign songs of major Mongolian parties. Continue reading

Posted in Democratic Party, Elections, Ikh Khural 2012, Mongolian People's Party, Party Politics, Society and Culture | Tagged | Leave a comment