Category Archives: Author

Guest Post: Mutton and Mahogany: Mongolia’s 62-year Friendship with Laos Continues

By Benjamin Nuland On June 11th 2024, Mongolia welcomed the Laotian president to Sukhbaatar Square for the first time since 2007. Thongloun Sisoulith’s arrival celebrated a 62-year long friendship between Laos and Mongolia and decades of goodwill. In the 1980s … Continue reading

Posted in ASEAN, Benjamin Nuland, Diversification, Foreign Investment, Foreign Policy, Laos, Mongolia and ..., Policy | Leave a comment

Observing Election Day: Erdenet City

By Benjamin Nuland and Marissa J. Smith In the week leading up to election day on June 28, Julian and Benjamin observed 10 polling stations in constituency 4 (Khuvsgul, Bulgan, and Orkhon aimags), traveling from Murun to Bulgan to interview … Continue reading

Posted in Benjamin Nuland, Elections, Erdenet, Ikh Khural 2024 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Guest Post: The Thunder Dragon Arrives on Dragon Year: Mongolia and Bhutan Are Just Getting Started

By Benjamin Nuland If I could give an award for Mongolia’s ‘most underestimated relationship’, it must be that with Bhutan. Mongolia’s relationship with Democratic Bhutan began on January 18, 2012, when UN representatives of both nations mutually signed letters of … Continue reading

Posted in ASEAN, Benjamin Nuland, Food, Foreign Policy, Mongolia and ..., Trade | Leave a comment

Preparing an Election

By Benjamin Nuland and Julian Dierkes Leading up to the election on June 28th, 2024, we traveled as international election observers through Arkhangai, Khuvsgul, Bulgan and Orkhon aimags to observe the preparations for the election and the election campaign. We … Continue reading

Posted in Benjamin Nuland, Democracy, Elections, Ikh Khural 2024 | Tagged | Leave a comment

Guest Post: Voter Participation

By Benjamin Nuland Working as an official foreign observer team with Marissa Smith, I visited nine different polling stations across all six of the urban bags of Erdenet on election day (including polling stations at schools attended by Ukrainian President … Continue reading

Posted in Benjamin Nuland, Elections, Ikh Khural 2024 | Leave a comment

Guest post: Election Platforms on Extractive Sector Governance

By Dorjdari Namkhaijantsan  While political party platforms play arguably a limited role in the final outcome of elections in Mongolia, they are nonetheless important since the aspirations of the ultimate winning party stated in them end up forming the basis … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Will Green Party, Democratic Party, Dorjdari Namkhaijantsan, Governance, Ikh Khural 2024, KhUN, Mining, Mining, Mining Governance, Oyu Tolgoi, Party Politics, Populism, Reflection, Tavan Tolgoi | Leave a comment

Gendered Trends in Candidacy for Mongolia’s 2024 Parliamentary Election

By Bulgan Batdorj  There are total of 1,340 candidates across 13 constituency regions and the party list. Of these candidates, 498 (37%) are women and 842 (64.3%) are men.  It looks that the women quota and the zipper system in … Continue reading

Posted in Bulgan Batdorj, Democracy, Democratic Party, Gender, Ikh Khural 2024, Inequality, KhUN, Mongolian People's Party, Politics | Tagged | Leave a comment

Guest Post: Analyzing the Environmental Strategies of Five Parties

Jangar Ts. and Bolormaa P.  Overview of Natural Resources and Ecosystems Mongolia, renowned for its vast steppe grasslands, abundant water resources, forests, wetlands, and rich mineral deposits, faces significant environmental challenges. Key threats include environmental degradation, desertification, unsustainable water extraction, … Continue reading

Posted in Air Pollution, Author, Bolormaa Purevjav, Civil Will Green Party, Climate Change, Democracy, Democratic Party, Elections, Environment, Garbage, Ikh Khural 2024, Jangar Tsembel, KhUN, Mongolian People's Party, Party Politics, Policy, Policy | Leave a comment

Guest Post: Election Platforms on Health

By Tsogtbaatar B Health stands among the most essential and common social goods in Mongolia. Yet, there is often displeasure among the Mongolian public for how health services are delivered and doubts where the overall sector’s policies are headed. The … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Will Green Party, Democratic Party, Health, Ikh Khural 2024, KhUN, Mongolian People's Party, Party Politics, Politics, Public Policy, Public Service, Tsogtbaatar Byambaa | Leave a comment

Guest Post: Political Parties’ Election Platforms on Higher Education

By Orkhon Gantogtokh This review focuses on how 19 political parties and 2 coalitions that submitted their election platforms reflect higher education (university level education) in their platforms, based on comparisons available at iKON and iToim. The analysis includes how … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Elections, Higher Education, Ikh Khural 2024, Orkhon Gantogtokh, Party Politics, Politics, Public Policy | Leave a comment

Guest Post: In Search of New, Clean, and Young Candidates for Politics in Mongolia

By Munkh-Erdene G For over a month, the reality show “Candidate-2024” was filmed, producing eight episodes to introduce new faces to Mongolia’s political landscape. As one of the 100 participants selected from more than 500 applicants, I was a complete … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Ikh Khural 2024, Munkherdene Gantulga, Party Politics, Politics | Leave a comment

Guest Post: Will the parties consider what the electorate wants to see on the ballots? There is a TV show for that. 

By E Lkhagva As far as I can remember I don’t think there has been election coverage in Mongolian democratic history where the public felt there has been enough debates between candidates, real  interviews or fair coverage in general. When … Continue reading

Posted in Democratic Party, Ikh Khural 2024, KhUN, Lkhagva Erdene, Media and Press, Mongolian People's Party, Party Politics, Politics, Younger Mongolians | Leave a comment

Parliamentary Elections 2024: Yet Another New Election System

By Marissa J. Smith, Julian Dierkes, and Enkhtsetseg Dagva As many observers have noted, Mongolian election systems have changed from election to election for the past 20 years. In this post, we detail the form of the June 2024 Parliamentary … Continue reading

Posted in Democratic Party, Elections, Enkhtsetseg Dagva, Ikh Khural 2024, KhUN, Mongolian People's Party, Party Politics | Tagged | Leave a comment

Chingeltei Khairkhan – The Closest Getaway from the UB Bubble

By Mendee Jargalsaikhan Hiking is becoming a favorite activity especially for those who live in the UB bubble. During weekends and holidays, you would find more people in public parks near the city and see many families driving to their … Continue reading

Posted in Change, Geography, Health, Mendee Jargalsaikhan, Tourism, Ulaanbaatar | Tagged | Leave a comment

The Ulaanbaatar Dialogue: A Time to Talk About Climate Change

By Mendee Jargalsaikhan  The Ulaanbaatar Dialogue (UBD) is gradually becoming an inclusive dialogue platform for Northeast Asian diplomats and academics to openly debate challenges and opportunities for the region. As the organizers – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the … Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Policy, International Relations, Mendee Jargalsaikhan, Ulaanbaatar Dialogue | Tagged | Leave a comment