The Underdogs

Azuela reveals aspects of the Revolution that are apolitical, anti-political, or even infrapolitical (the non-political conditions of possibility for the political), in that he depicts it in terms of drives and emergent habits that have not yet fully coalesced into political form.

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Aves sin nido

Dos puntos sobre su lectura de Aves sin nido

  1. Por favor, no falten de leer el “Proemio.” Sobre todo porque habla del papel de la literatura (hasta del papel de la novela), es para nosotros una parte clave para nuestro entiendimiento del libro.
  2. Normalmente no recomiendo que lean las varias introducciones etc., pero esta vez diría que, si tienen tiempo, la introducción de Cornejo Polar (“Aves sin nido como alegoría nacional”) sí vale la pena. De hecho, Cornejo Polar es uno de los críticos más interesantes sobre la literatura andina (y sus límites).

weeks one and two

By Monday, September 9 you should have done the following:

1) opened a blog (on a site such as,, or, written a preliminary post briefly introducing yourself, and sent me a link to the blog.

Students in SPAN505 should also have:

2) opened an account at (the Spanish) Wikipedia, sent me an email telling me your username, and signed up for an article at our project page.

Then by the evening of Wednesday, September 11 you should have:

1) read Clorinda Matto de Turner, Aves sin nido.

2) written a first blog post, of c. 400 words, of your reactions to the text.

Finally, by the evening of Friday, September 13 you should have:

1) commented briefly on two of your classmates’ blogs.